Our little man is still keeping us busy. He starting walking/running at 13 months and hasn't stopped since! He is now 15 months old! I was just recently looking at pictures from Christmas time and Link looked like a baby then. He looks and acts so much older now! Besides 'mama' and 'dada' and a bunch of babbling all day long, he's not way into talking. He loves to give high fives, show us his tongue, give us kisses, play peek-a-boo, wave to himself in the mirror, and get thrown in the air by daddy. He has a love/hate relationship with the vacuum. He is fascinated by it when it is not on and he plays with it and tears it apart but when it gets turn on, the tears start coming. He LOVES to turn the lights off and on and would do it all day if we let him. He has been playing with plastic Easter eggs this week and thinks they are the greatest thing ever! He fell down the stairs for the first time last week and since then has been MUCH better at climbing down backwards. He still tries to see where he is going so it's kinda backwards and sideways at the same time. We have a bunch of puzzles and he used to just throw all the pieces off the board but now he is trying to put them in the right places! He still loves the outside and is fascinated with animals (I don't know where that came from). It's so fun to see his little personality come out. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.When he gets tired he will rest his head on whatever he is near- the couch, the floor, you, etc. It is so dang cute!
He sucks on his toes sometimes in the car when he gets bored. What can you do...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Mr. Link
Posted by Russ-Whit-Link at 7:36 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has just released a new rendition of the motion picture "Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration" and it is available online. They used a lot of footage from the original with more narrating and explanations. You can watch it at this website.
Posted by Russ-Whit-Link at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
One of my favorite quotes is by Neal A Maxwell, An apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He said:
‘The new star of Bethlehem would have had to be placed in it’s precise orbit long long before it shown so precisely. By reflecting such careful divine design, it underscored what the Lord has said, ‘All things must come to pass in their time.’ His planning and precision pertain not only to astrophysical orbits but to human orbits as well. Each of us has a personalized plan. Like the Christmas star, each of us, if faithful, has an obtained orbit, a priesthood path, as we pass through this second estate.’
This quote teaches that the events that happen in our lives do not happen by chance. The Lord is in charge and He will allow events to happen in our lives that will bring about the most personal growth. This quote also teaches that ‘human orbits’ do not happen by chance. People are placed into our lives for a reason- to teach us, to strengthen us, to help us grow. Russ, Lincoln, and I were blessed to be acquainted with a little guy, along with his parents, who taught us all of these things plus countless others. His name was Lucas. When Lincoln was at Primary Children’s Medical Center for the first month of his life, Lucas was there for his Glenn Surgery. Lucas was the happiest baby I’ve ever met. I always loved walking by his crib because he was always smiling and flirting with all the nurses. He had endured so much in his life and yet was giving and sharing happiness with those around him. To me, as a parent of another little heart baby, he taught me to hope. Hope for Lucas, hope for Lincoln, hope for all the other children with physical ailments. His parents were examples of strength, service, testimony, and happiness. Through all of the medical appointments and ups and downs they were strong. They had so much faith in the Lord that they KNEW what the Lord wanted would be the best for all of them and that they would be able to endure it. Even while living at Primarys, they were always looking for ways to serve others and to brighten the days of those around them. They exemplify what Elder Neal A Maxwell said, “Empathy during agony is a portion of divinity.” Along with their son, they always had a smile on their faces. Russ ran into his parents this past weekend and learned that Lucas “peacefully left this mortal life on Wednesday, March 9th” at 21 months old. I am grateful that Lucas and his incredible parents crossed our ‘human orbit’. I am grateful for the knowledge that we have of the Plan of Salvation and that Lucas and his family “are sealed by the Lord’s holy priesthood to become an eternal family.” Keep these wonderful people in your prayers. If you would like to help, they asked to “please consider donating to Intermountain Healing Hearts, an organization that has provided tremendous support to us and other families affected by congenital heart defects.”
Posted by Russ-Whit-Link at 5:43 PM 2 comments