Lincoln started loosing his baby hair. He's been loosing it in patches. Normally that wouldn't look so bad but Lincoln had a ton of hair so it was weird to see a lot of hair in one spot and no hair in another spot. So Russ and I buzzed it this morning. He looks really different but cute!
This is Link with hair
This is Link while he was going bald. He lost a lot in front but the back was still long.
This is Link with a buzz. He looks so different!!
Zac is the same way! His head is growing so fast his hair can't keep up! I don't have the heart to buzz it even though it looks funny though!
That is what happened to Joel's hair...but not when he was a baby.
He has the cutest smile! And don't worry about him being small, Scarlett is in the negative 5th percentile.Small=adorable!
He looks a lot like his dad. Except for the hair thing!
P.S. We're not moving to Texas. That was an April Fool's Joke! Ha. April Fools!
--Grant and Kristin
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