Last Friday was my last day at my current elementary school. I am going to be working part-time at an intermediate (6th and 7th grade) school in my district. It's been a bitter-sweet experience the last few months trying to decide whether I should work part-time. I feel bad that it was a hard decision at all. I should have wanted to quit it all and be a full time mommy! I know the greatest joy I will ever have will be from raising my children but at the same time I love my job! I have loved the different opportunities and experiences I have had the past couple years in my current profession. I have loved the students and faculty that I've been able to work with! I went into the greatest profession and love learning something new every day. But one of the reasons I went into this profession (Speech-Language Pathology) was so that I could work part-time. I have the potential (in a month when I finish graduate school!!!!) to work in rehab, hospital, school, or private practice for as little or many hours I want. I am so grateful that I chose this field of work and hope to be able to keep up with my profession and work in some degree throughout my life. For those of you that have seem my little boy, you probably think I'm crazy that it was such a hard decision for me to work part-time because he is so dang cute! I really am excited to be a mommy! I am excited not be pulled so many ways and finally be able to focus on just a couple things at a time. I am so grateful for great babysitters that have raised my little boy- especially my mom who has gone above and beyond the last few months raising Link! Sometimes I think he is confused whether she or I am his mother!!! I am excited to not have to worry about school and have more time to become a better speech therapist and a better mommy!!!
2 years ago
Whit! I think it's so great that you are able to work and be a mom! I still dream of getting my master's degree someday! You're right, your little Link sure is cute, I bet it was a hard choice!
You are amazing Whitney! You really are. It's great that you'll be able to work as well as be a mommy. I was pretty sick for a while after I had Deacon so I didn't go back to work for a while. Towards the end I thought I was going to go crazy! I'm a little ashamed to say that I've always kind of thought being a stay at home mom was easier, but it isn't! It really isn't. I love being able to work and be a mom. Part time will be really good for you Whit. Love you! You have such a beautiful family.
p.s. I totally know what you mean about the confusion with who's mom... Deacon loves my mom so much! I used to get a little jealous. ;)
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