Sunday, August 5, 2012

Link's Big Appointment

Link had a big appointment at Primary's this week. He had a sedated Echo so that they could get a good look at his heart. It was a long day but our cardiologist was very optimistic. She said it's not looking like he will need the Fontan Surgery (usually the third surgery that is needed after the first two Link has had). She said if nothing changes we can keep him at a 1 1/2 ventricle heart- where he is right now- and he is doing great with it! When he does have surgery (every 4 or 5 years) it will be to replace the synthetic valve. We were really happy about the results and so thankful for everyone who is praying for this little guy!

Daddy and Link walking into Primary's.

Daddy entertaining Link as we waited by writing numbers all over the paper.

The Echo.

On his way to Recovery.

Trying to wake up from sedation. He used all his strength to get out his first word in Recovery... "ten" (because that was the recovery section we were in and he saw it on the wall). What a nerd!

Still trying to wake up. It took him a while. He was nauseous and threw up a couple times but a few hours later he was back to his mischievous self!

Russ and Lincoln have been practicing their Olympic Skills so here they are doing Hospital Olympics while we were waiting!


Katie said...

I'm SO glad that everything went well! That hospital olympics is hilarious!

Bryant and Teresa Thompson said...

That's great news. Thinking about you guys. :)