Monday, June 9, 2008

Whitney's no good horrible very bad day!!...I think I'm going to move to Australia!

So today was my first day of Grad School. It was a lot of orientation and really overwhelming! I parked on the road past the "toaster" chapel this morning at 8:00 and booked it to class. Nine hours later I went back to my car but couldn't find my keys.... as I got closer I realized I locked my keys in the car and it was still running! (yes- for nine hours!). Then I tried calling a locksmith but before I could tell him where I was my phone died! Then I was looking at my car and I had a parking ticket on it... correction- TWO parking tickets!! Luckily my friend Mikaylie came to my rescue but it was quite the adventure!


Jess said...

haha I am still laughing, but I feel sad for you too, that does make for a rotten day.

t.m. said...

Oh whit, just when I didn't think it could get any did.

Greg~Chels~Livi~Gracie said...

Whit!!! That is the funniest/saddest thing I have ever heard!! I'm sorry but if you're not laughing will be soon cause that just made my day!!

Becca said...

That's an awesome story!

Whitney said...

Whit... that is horrible. Well maybe you will feel better if you visit my blog! HEHE I am so glad i found your blog so i can see your cute little face everyday

SAYDA said...

Hi Whitney! Congratulations on your engagement! I ran accross your blog today and it's fabulous.
Your fiance is so handsome. Hello to all you family, especially that cute mom of yours.
Love, Sayda Call (Brianna's mom)
PS: Brianna is getting married pretty soon too.

Bryant and Teresa Thompson said...

Didn't Russ leave on Monday, too? Sa-ad, but very funny.

The Ferry Bunch said...

I am SO sorry! That is absolutely terrible and funny at the same time. Johnny about died laughing about it. Have a better week!

Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

Wow..that is a bad day! I couldn't believe it. Even though it was sad and had to laugh. You'll remember that story. When are you two getting married?

Bryant and Teresa Thompson said...

Whitney, All I can say is things can only get better!! I wish Russell was there to help you. We are missing your cheerful presence around here since he left. John wants to thank you for the fathers day card and wonders if you wanted to set siphon tubes while Russell is gone to help you not miss him too much!!
Let me know if you need help with anything at this stage for the wedding. We're looking forward to the shower on the 7th. love, Teri

John and Kassie said...

When it rains it pours huh! Wow, that is a lot to handle in a day--but I am sure you are laughing at it now! How is grad school going now---I am so excited that you commented on my blog so I can keep in touch with you. Love, love, love the engagement pictures---you two are too cute! Take care and I hope you have a wonderful day today!

Alisha Erin said...

whitney! aw, what a sad day, but i am excited to hear how you are doing! yay for grad school!! how is it? what are you studying??

Mindy said...

WHITNEY! Oh my word!!!! HA HA HA! NINE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!