Friday, August 23, 2013


This blog is definitely do for an update. I don't even know where to begin! 

Besides going to some form of Doctor almost every day we have mostly been hanging out at home! The boys have torticollis where they can't turn their head to the right so we have been going to a Chiropractor every day for the last few weeks and they have made great improvements! Kooper is almost done with treatment and McKay is almost there. McKay has his Nephrology (Kidney) appointment in Salt Lake every month. His kidneys are still dilated and full of urine but his kidney function is almost normal for a baby his age and size for which we are so grateful! We have to go get his blood drawn for renal (kidney) function labs every so often at the local hospital. We have also had post-operative appointments for his hernias and bladder. The Urologist at Primary's says that he is still having reflux of urine back into his kidneys and sometime between 1 and 2 years of age he will most likely have another surgery to correct that. Along with those doctors appointments we have the normal Pediatrician appointments and my appointments and dental appointments, etc. I am all doctored out!! 

People keep asking me how everything is and how I'm doing with twins. Twins are a lot of work but I am surviving. I think the main reason I'm surviving is because I don't have any individual plans or personal goals or to-do lists and I just plan on taking care of kids all day every day. If that is my expectation and my attitude then the day goes well. It's like in Elder Uchtdorf's talk, "Of Things that Matter Most," when he says, "One of the things we learn from studying the growth of trees is that during seasons when conditions are ideal, trees grow at a normal rate. However, during seasons when growing conditions are not ideal, trees slow down their growth and devote their energy to the basic elements necessary for survival. " So that's what we are doing. Focusing our energy on surviving!!

The babies are normal babies. They are not super amazing- never crying babies and they are not awful-pull your hair out - constantly crying babies. They are right in the middle. They are not the greatest nappers during the day but sleep well at night (and have gone up to 7 1/2 hours without waking up to eat!). I feed them at the same time night and day which is good but their nap times are a little sporadic and they always wake up in the middle and need me to put pacis in over and over or help them go back to sleep or hold them til they decide they are not going back to sleep. And they have a sixth sense cause they know EXACTLY when their brother goes to sleep cause that is the EXACT moment they wake up! So I am CONSTANTLY holding a baby (or a toddler). But I am very grateful for these three blessings in my life! 


They look so much alike in this picture!

 Nap time

Kooper. Bwa ha ha!

Fourth of July

 Tag teaming it. Russ is rarely home but I love it when he is!


 Chubby boys!

They are starting to look at each other a little more every day!


 Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Ferry's.


 McKay- they are both starting to suck their thumbs. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!

 Every night usually looks like this. The boys get grumpy around 5:00 until they go to sleep (around 8ish). So I usually hold one baby and sit by the other baby on the couch and put pacifiers in both their mouths. Link usually plays but sometimes he needs to be held as well or wants to help with babies, etc!
This is when we are very grateful we are at Grandma's house because if she is home she will hold a baby which is a life saver!!

McKay. He is always SO HAPPY! (Don't worry about the ruler in the background- Link was playing with it and looking at the numbers!)


Mommy & Koop

 Hanging out outside while Link swims. We haven't gotten to take them outside much cause it's been SO HOT!



 Party time!


We went on one REAL outing (not to the Doctor's office or another house). We went to Gardeners village and I survived... barely!

We were worried the boys wouldn't fit in our car. They fit but it's definitely SNUG!