Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defect, comprising about 1 in every 100 births in the United States. Our little guy has been diagnosed with a congenital heart defect known as Pulmonary Atresia. The pulmonary valve is closed, blocking outflow of blood from the heart to the lungs. This also causes the right ventricle to become smaller, stiffer, and leak blood the opposite way.At our 20 week ultrasound, the ultrasound tech told us she didn't quite see everything she wanted to with the heart. She referred us to a specialist at Davis Hospital who informed us that our baby had a heart defect and then referred us to Primary Children's Hospital. We've been going to Primary's for the last few months to get fetal echos to monitor his heart. Here is the plan from Primary's: I am going to deliver at the University of Utah hospital (I'll be induced there on January 15) and right after delivery, the baby will be taken to Primary's. They will put him on medication to keep the ductus arteriosus open (which typically closes shortly after birth). After a few days he will receive surgery where a catheter is inserted into an artery in his leg and brought up to his heart. A balloon will then open up the pulmonary valve. Even though there will now be an opening in the pulmonary valve the right ventricle hasn't been able to pump for 9 months so his heart will require a few more surgeries. Within the next week he will have open heart surgery called a BT Shunt which is another valve in his heart. At that point it's up to him to see how he does. He will most likely need another open heart surgery (the Glenn procedure) at 6 months old. This procedure makes his heart into a 1 1/2 ventricle heart where the right side is only having to do half the work. Depending on how he's doing, he'll possibly need another surgery at 3 years (the Fontan surgery) which makes his heart into a 1 ventricle heart and the right side is completely bypassed.
We've had quite the last few months.
Russ and I continuously count our blessings. We are so grateful for an ultrasound tech who caught this early, for the amazing medical care we have received and will receive at Primary Children's hospital, for the education and preparation they have provided us with, for all of you and for your concerns and prayers, and mostly, we are so grateful for our little guy and are so excited to meet him in a couple weeks!
2 years ago
Russ and Whit you guys are definitely in our thoughts and prayers! The lord is definitely looking out for you.
Oh Whit! I will be praying like crazy for you guys! Isin't technology amazing that it can catch that stuff? Be strong girl, we love you!
Oh, hon. I will be praying for your adorable little family and son!
Whitney I love you! Your little family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Whit, this little boy is so blessed to come to such wonderful parents. You are in my prayers.
It was really good to see you guys the other day, I'm so glad everything is going so well! We really really think the world of you. Can't wait to meet your sweet little man! Really, come to California when you can and our boys will play while we relax on the beach!
Wow! I am so glad for an update. What a blessing that you have the knowledge and preparation that you do before hand. We will keep you in our prayers. Cannot wait to see the little guy.
Wow, Whit I am so sorry; I can't even imagine how stressful this has been for you guys; I hope everything goes well - we'll be praying for you! Just think - you're gonna be a momma in 2 weeks!! Crazy!
The Silvas will keep you in their prayers. :)
We'll be praying for you guys and that everything goes smoothly with these many surgeries! Good luck Whit!!
Our prayers will be with you guys. Let us know if you need anything. Justin and Traci
Whit and Russ, know that we love you and you're in our thoughts, and prayers! How grateful I am to have always had you as a strong support and example in my life. Good luck and please keep us informed! We want to come visit some day soon.
Bless you and your little guy! You are in my prayers!
We will keep you and the doctors in our prayers. Chris told me you want on my blog so I need your email so I can invite you. email me at danika9 at hotmail dot com also I have some questions for you about speech.
This news is tough, but it sounds like you have a great team and plan of action set. It's absolutely amazing what can be done these days to repair heart conditions. I look forward to reading updates.
Whit, I'm sorry to hear this, but it is true that we can be so grateful that we have the technology to find out problems before the little one arrives (and for the power of prayers and priesthood!). My family will keep you in our prayers for a safe delivery and successful surgeries in the weeks and months to come. I love you!!
I love you Whit! You are such an example to me of your faith and strength. Your family will be in my prayers!
You sweet family is in our prayers. We hope that everyghing goes well. May the Lord bless you and your sweet family!
Whitney, You are such a great example! I am so happy for you and Russ. Steve and I will keep you in our prayers.
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