Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Sorry I have been such a blog slacker! Since it has been such a long time since I have posted, I won't be able to fill you in on all the little daily happenings in our life but I can at least post some of the highlights...

We went to CALIFORNIA in October with Russ' Family. This was the first vacation we have gone on as a family. It was Link's first time on a plane and his first time out of the state. We stayed in a beach house a couple blocks from the beach. It was pretty cold but the kids still had fun playing in the sand all day. Since pictures are worth a thousand words I'll just let you see our vaca for yourself...

Link lounging on the beach!
Link did NOT like his helmet when we went biking but he LOVED to ring the bell! Sorry Charlie!
Since it was almost Halloween we dressed the kids up and they went Trick or Treating to the different rooms in the beach house.

One day we went to La Jolla Beach and hung out with the stinky seals!One night we played "minute to win it" games. So fun!
We loved being able to spend almost an entire week with Russ! Link LOVES his daddy!

Like I said... he LOVES his daddy!Link and Russ hanging out in the airport. I got the flu the last night (no bueno!) but when vouchers were offered to wait all day until the next flight, Russ jumped at the chance and we hung out all day in the airport. It was a horrible ending but a great vacation!